Friday, February 19, 2016

Working for the weekend

It's Friday night and I'm nursing Ellie before she goes to bed. I'm going to miss quietly rocking with the soft glow of her pink lamp every night. I honestly wasn't set on breastfeeding. It was my first choice, but I set myself to be okay with bottle feeding if it didn't work out. I know it can be really hard and with how crazy life was going to become with her arrival and the move and going back to work so quickly, I told myself, "we'll do whatever works." because really, that's what counts. Making it work. And Ellie took to it like a champ. It was really nothing I did. Okay maybe dozens of lactation-cookies helped,but other than that it was all her. And now that she is night weaned (finally!) and I can feel my body slowly returning from the hormone trip that is pregnancy and breastfeeding (finally!) I'm sad. I'm sure we'll keep it up for a bit, but work is going to have me traveling soon and being away will be hard. I'm just grateful that this was something we were able to do for a while. I feel like it's been one long wean from being a tiny jumping bean inside my belly, to being born, and still relying on me to feed her. Now she'll just rely on me to teach her and love her.